Public Study B2C France 2023

The rise of secondhand in France

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Available in French only.

Discover the impact of inflation on French consumer behavior in 2023. This tracker, carried out by AlixPartners and Potloc, reveals key trends in the retail sector in preparation for 2024.

Sampling details

  • 4000

    French respondents

  • 26%

    of respondents are between 18-34 years old

  • 33%

    of respondents are between 35-54 years old

  • 42%

    of respondents are 55 years old and older

Key trends for 2023


An almost universally high level of concern among the French throughout 2023

When we asked French consumers about their level of concern about the impact of inflation on their households, 84% of respondents said they were worried (45% rather worried, 39% very worried). This figure has risen by 4% in the space of a year, underlining the rise in concern.

This increase is particularly pronounced among the less affluent socio-professional categories (SPC-), where 44% say they are very worried at the end of the year, compared with 26% among the more affluent SPC+.

When worries over inflation rise, new products are abandoned in favor of secondhand

As consumers keep a closer eye on their spending, analyses show a growing trend towards secondhand products. For motor vehicles, 39% of consumers are opting for secondhand, outperforming new (20%). This preference is mirrored in furnishings, where 32% of consumers are choosing secondhand. 

On the other hand, in categories such as adult clothing and cell phones, new purchases still dominate (61% and 50% respectively), although the secondhand option is gaining ground (25% and 21%). In uncertain economic times, when sustainability is becoming increasingly important, consumers are adapting their consumption patterns accordingly.

A closer look reveals that secondhand purchasing varies by product type and demographic


Some consumer profiles are more likely to buy certain products secondhand. Interesting associations include:

Young adults: Most product categories, except high-tech/electronics
Women: Clothing purchases, especially children's
Less affluent individuals: Most product categories, especially automotive purchases

Potloc's teams quickly understand our needs and develop tailored questionnaires within a few days. Furthermore, the use of social networks allows for precise targeting of surveyed individuals and conducting the survey within particularly short deadlines. The results are then easily exploitable thanks to dynamic and intuitive dashboards allowing for a quick and thorough understanding of the data.
Olivier Salomon BW
Olivier Salomon Partner & Managing Director at Alixpartners
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In the face of economic uncertainty, expenses are being considered more carefully, as consumers move towards consumption that is both prudent and eco-conscious. In 2024, the retail sector will be affected by a striking trend: the rise of secondhand products, a major shift in consumer behavior.
Illan Bitton BW
Illan Bitton Strategy Director at Potloc
We had the pleasure of working with Potloc. We worked closely with them in drafting the study design, the data collection was efficient, and the delivery of the results was quick. Thanks to this collaboration, we successfully carried out the relevant analysis we needed.
Emilie Dubuc BW-2
Emilie Dubuc Director at AlixPartners
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Our team

Illan Bitton



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*the report is available in French only